Pignose Amp with Vintage Hofner

วันพุธที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553 § 0

This is the mating together of my Vintage Hofner 457/se 2 Archtop with a Pignose G40V all valve amp. Similar Tube configuration to the Tweed Bassman ~ 3x12AX7 and 2x6L6 ~ it even has a 10" speaker! Same 40 loud watts, but tamed by the inclusion of a gain control so you can get breakup at comfortable levels. A further beauty of this highly portable little amp (24Lbs), is that it allows for either an 8 or 4 ohm output so you can drive a 4x12 easily. These are such good amps for the money I fail to understand why so few have picked up on them ~ afterall, Pignose has a rich history and many top bands and users have been thankful both live and in the studio for its famous 7-100 battery amp that is an incredible pre-amp option. However, this does as good as a job as a driven Bassman, but at usuable levels ~ trust me I KNOW! No pedals, or editing - straight into Canon Powershot A75 and Windows Movie Maker.


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